Established in 2020 during the pandemic, the brand Celestial Media was put together by four friends looking to explore automotive media by putting on events. That was until trust broke amongst the team, leading to the break into what is now CSTL MEDIA.

Ever evolving, CSTL Media now stands to create media that tells a story. It could be your story, it could be event coverage, or investigative reporting – whatever the story, CSTL will be there.

However, it is also just totally me: Kasey doing some cool reporting/blogging about something that I’m currently into.

Where do we really begin? I suppose we can go back in time to 2020 during the pandemic. What a totally random time to start an automotive apparel brand. How we were going to sell clothes during the pandemic?

Well none other than an absolute banger car show, that’s how! It was around Feburuary – shocker that I still can’t still spell that word – despite that, Queue The Weeknd at the Superbowl. The idea was born, I wanted to start making a brand, a club, a culture, for the car community – or so I thought. 

Fast Forward a few months, and it’s already October, the show Slammed Bayou is knocking and the final makers are getting set in place. I was a total wreck, sweating absolute bullets on the plane into Gulfport. You see, I had taken a new full-time job up in Green Bay, Wisconsin with none other than the infamous news network, NBC. It was a job I thought would change my life – which, in retrospect, it did do haha. I mean that’s how we’re here right now. 

The move killed me on the inside, breaking away from everything I knew and was comfortable with. It was like ending my little empire I had clawed my way to the top of. Or at least the top of what I thought was worthwhile at the time. I had no idea where my future led, but I kept at the brand for quite some time into my move. 

I went as far as even making several different chapters across the US before calling it quits with the whole car club/brand idea. I changed it up, it wasn’t that hard because I had been really focusing on my hobby with the gear I had at hand. My Sony A6000 camera that my late mother had gotten me for me as my final College graduation gift. A gift that led me to great heights. 

I wasn’t a good photographer for a long time, I still look back at my early work and am absolutely grossed out by thinking it used to be considered good. I feel like I was just a liar back then, thinking I was any good. My portiarts those held up, my any of my early automotive shots are absolute dog water. Now there are a few good ones in the mix – but mostly they’re bad and super amature hour lol. 

Which is it cool to say ‘lol’ in a blog? I mean, I think we all get it at this point that it’s just kind of a nice relief moment lol. So, back to the ABOUT ME SECTION – MUAHAHA “he says in a goofy voice” – Some of those early pictures weren’t pretty, but that’s the beauty in learning and getting better with skills and practice. Getting to know the foundations firsthand and not just in the textbook that put me Twenty-Seven Thousand Dollars in Student Loan debt lol. 

You can suppose the saying “Practice Makes Perfect” isn’t bullshit, or at least intentionally fictitious. Practice got me to where I am today, and you know what hits harder than a bad digital photo? A bad film photo, UGH the feeling is so embarrassing on the inside. You wait XYZ amount of time to get these rolls developed and BOOM – Only one of them out of the 36 other shots turns out decent. I love this thrill though, it’s such a gamble haha. 

This just happens to be one of the banger shots that I got with my Minolta X700 when I took a vacation over to New Jersey for a cool car show. Had some free time, and wanted to see the Statue of Liberty & the NYC Skyline. I just so happened to capture this awesome ferry trotting across the River Mouth/ Basin/ Ocean Entrance? The NYC Beach? I am at a loss of words lol. I don’t know what you would call that.

This is a photograph of a 35MM film photo of a public ferry trolling across the NYC basin. In the background there is the NYC skyline. 

This was just a beautiful photo to capture the moment and the essence of NYC on a chilly October Morning.

So i’ll do some hopping and get to the point a little bit faster. I did some jumping around with jobs for a while and I eventually found a really good gig with Fitment Industries, which led me to the current job I am at at the time of writing this, which is ECS TUNING. If you didn’t know, I am a social media manager. 

I spend a lot of my time, and I mean A LOT of UNHEALTHY amounts of time on my phone for my job basically becoming the brand myself. I have to BECOME the brand, it’s almost like method acting if you want to be good at it. Now I totally could do it the basic simple boring ‘easy way out’ way and just coast by – or I can really take the bull by the horns and push my way to greatness. Do you know what the big separator is though? Your ability to be on camera, and the more comfortable you are – the opportunities that are going to “fall into your lap” as some of my friends would say.

Don’t get me wrong though, I did have to work my ass off to get where I am today – which is here being able to try something new such as a blog like this, I really had no idea that I could tell a story like this, and have it be pretty fun. But yeah, being a social media manager has provided me with a lot of real experiences that I wouldn’t have been able to be part of otherwise. 

A lot of really cool connections with networking and other cool factors have been such a driving experience with this job. Whether it’s traveling to faraway states for large-scale events to going across the country to meet a vendor and have them walk you through their entire manufacturing process – all the while needing to record it and make content out of the entire trip. 

On the left, is a photograph taken by Kasey Hull on the East Coast in Daytona, Florida. On the right is another photograph taken by Kasey Hull, however, this one was taken on the West Coast in Los Angeles.
This showcases two different events taking me across the country that I am grateful for.

I have met some of the coolest people in the automotive industry and that is a super cool feeling to know a large-scale community in the inner circle. I have a lot of people to thank for this incredible feeling and reality. Some advice, never forget where you came from. Your origins do not define you, but you can use them to shape the best version of who you can be.

Now I am sure that at least a few of you are probably pretty salty with my grammar, but welcome to my blog baby. I got you for THREE WHOLE MINUTES OF ME TIME as Mach Man would say. Hopefully, you can understand that this blog is all about me, my experiences, my friends, and some of the cool stuff that share with me. Hopefully, this is a banger in 2026. 
I will be back in 2026 to review this and answer the question:

“Was this a banger idea or not”

YES or NO =

Story Telling

Go ahead, share my story with your friends. I’d love to see it.

Lifestyle/ Media / News